View Job Status

View your jobs status and its details.

The table provides details such as job name, status, the appliance name on which job is submitted, application name, job directory, number of CPUs requested for the job, job submitted time, and wait time to start the job.
  1. Launch Altair One Home.
  2. Click Jobs on the left pane. The running and past jobs list is displayed.
    Figure 1. Jobs Page

    Note: The number beside Jobs on the left pane indicates the number of running jobs.
  3. Click the job Name link.
    Figure 2. Job Summary

  4. On the job's Summary tab, view the job metadata such as job name, status, CPU-cores efficiency, and memory usage.
  5. Select Input to view the input files that are provided for the job.
    From the ribbon menu on the top, select Open in Drive to launch the job's input file from Altair Drive.
    Figure 3. Open Input Files from Altair Drive

  6. Select Output to view the job result files generated for the completed job.
  7. Select Running to view the files of a running job.

    While a job is running results files are maintained on the remote PAS server. These files can be displayed by viewing the contents of the Running Folder. Once the job completes, the job results files are written to the Output folder.