Scale Down an Appliance
Scale down an appliance by removing the unused hardware resources.
To scale down an appliance:
Launch Altair NavOps.
The list of appliances is displayed.
Figure 1. Appliances
The list displays the Appliance Name, Model Name selected for the appliance, Cloud Provider, Appliance State, Nodes Count and Uptime (number of days the appliance is up and running).
Note: Clickto change the column list of the Nodes table.
Click the appliance name from the Appliances list.
The Cloud tab displays the appliance details.
Click Scale in the left pane.
The Scale tab is displayed.
Click Scale DOWN .
The Nodes table displays the number of deployed nodes and its statuses.
Select the check box of an additional node that you deployed while scaling up
an appliance.
Figure 2. Select a Node to Scale Down
Click Undeploy.
A confirmation message to undelpoy the node from the appliance is displayed.
Figure 3. Undeploy Nodes
Click Yes.
The selected node starts undeploying.
The Activity tab displays the undeploying progress of the node.
The Scale tab displays the undeploying status of the selected node.
Figure 4. Node Undeploying
Figure 5. Available nodes and its status
Once it is undeployed, the selected node is removed from the list.