Submit a job by selecting an input file from your mounted location in Windows
The job is submitted to the selected appliance. You can view the job results using
Altair Drive. After the job is
complete, a folder with the name of the input file is created and the result files are
copied to it.
Run a simulation job by selecting your input files from Altair Drive and choose a solver in the Altair One Desktop
appliance. Use the Altair One Custom appliance to launch an application remotely in
your browser to view your model output result files.
Click Open MyFiles on the Home
Your mounted files location is displayed in Windows
Right-click the input file, select Altair One > Solve With > solver.
Figure 1. Solve With A job submission form is displayed.Figure 2. Submit Job
Fill the required fields in the job submission form.
For Appliance, select the appliance where the
solver is available.
For Version, select the required version of the
Enter Number of Processes for the job.
Enter Memory and its units.
Select Run Generate Preview on the H3D output
file if you wish to generate a preview of the H3D result
file. This enables you to preview the model details when the job is
Tip: To view more application arguments click
All Fields. To reset the form, click
Restore Defaults. To save your current inputs as
default, click Save as Default.
Click Submit Job.
After you submit the job, Windows notifications will appear to help you
to monitor it. To view all notifications, open the action centre from the
Windows system tray () or use Win+A.