View Scatter Plot
Visualize the correlation and interdependency between two properties data. The independent property data is plotted on X-axis while the dependent property data is plotted in Y-axis.
Click Scatter Plot.
Figure 1. Scatter Plot on Action Ribbon -
In the Scatter Plot panel , select the X and Y properties for which you
wish to plot.
In the following example, we want a stiff material but also environmentally sustainable. Hence we select Tensile Modulus (ISO 527) on the X-axis and CO2 footprint on the Y-axis.
Figure 2. Select Properties
Click Plot.
The Scatter plot displays the stiffer materials which are also environmentally sustainable. As we move up, materials become less sustainable. Some are pure fibers, which can't be used alone for the purpose of manufacturing a product.
Hover over the dot, to view the name of the material and correlation of the material properties.
Figure 3. Scatter Plot
Drag a rectangle on the plot area to zoom in and focus on a suitable midpoint for a more concentrated view of materials.
Figure 4. Zoom in
Hover over to view plot options such as zoom in, zoom out, auto scale to original plot view, reset axes, export it as a PDF document, and search.
Click Search
all the focussed search materials are loaded to the advanced search displaying the property values.
Figure 5. Scatter Plot Materials Search Result -
Click Advanced Search to view or adjust the search
result using the property values.
Figure 6. Search Result with Property Values